For Them citizen of Banyumas and its surroundings, surely have old stuff with typical traditional artistry of one this. Myself although is not original citizen of Purwokerto ( Banyumas), very with music of “Kenthongan” or of “tek-tekkan”. Early hearing and see I only can smile. Smile because presented attraction it is true funny,”unik” and very amuse. “Kenthongan” is made castanets of bamboo with kenthong as a means of the core important. The bamboo given the by long hole is side of and played with short wood stick (by beated). While grup kenthongan of itself consist of about 20 people equipped by equipments of bedug, flute, kecrek and led by a mayoret. This Mayoret is very nimble in leading (do not like mayoret generally), because entire/all his body shares (not only hand) follow to oscillate to follow sound of played song. warbled song even also usually area song or songs which is any marketing hits of his song type ( pop,rock,dandut).
Kenthong which used in one grup / the group there are some kinds of which is the each personnels use him so that yield harmonic sound. While for clothes which they use usually in the form of uniform/ typical custom clothes of area or other which provided with immeasurable of aksesoris. As society of Banyumas of course I make proper to have pride, because in the year just 2004 of this artistry succeed to break a record of MURI. Solved Champion namely categorize music of kenthongan with amount players of orchestra many that is 25 grup by 1032 personnels. Without record breaking of My feel them (all players) enough of pride skilledly which they have, particularly very big society antusiasme to one area culture this. Usually at ordinary day of this Kenthongan Banyumas circle in day morning to afternoon for the “mengais rezeki” from door to dor at the same time exercise to various staging. Because usually they is asked to come up to a special event like circumcision, nuptials, anniversary even some celebrations of national red-letter day. Was such as [done/conducted] at celebration of Independence Day yesterday, performed by “Festival of Kenthongan Banyumas Regency” which was have place in Lokawisata Baturadden. Of course a lot of isn't it which they signalize by various separate individualities, like usage various utensil and furniture till ancient era as his him. It is not strange place of wisata this progressively crowded multitudeis visited either by all surounding citizens and other citizen which is coincidence are having the day off. Just hopefully culture of area a kind of this we can preserve as good as possibly as one of the cultural form of very Rich nation. How according to You?
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14 years ago
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