Thursday, July 10, 2008

Sekapur Sirih....

Assalamu'Alaikum Wr.Wb,

Secure and prosperous Greeting and acquaintanceship greeting make all. Passing liver effusings in this blog allow I expose myself to acquaint and each other addressing. We always said many friends, many of his him, just hopefully that way the existence of. I was borned and enjoy the respecting of this world as last child of alias "ragil", but I nope indulge, such as isn't it rank and file. I is trained and educated to be able to self-supporting since childhood. Old fellow me always inculcate to feel caring and responsibility the highness to all and so that throw away far uppish and arrogant attitude of my life. There is message very both for I accept, " wong urip iku aja dumeh, sebab manungsa kabeh iku pada drajate nang ngarsane Gusti Allah". I end a period of elementary school in SD Country of Mertasari III, during 6 precise year do not less. Since class Alhamdulillah of I until I is finish, always earn rangking I. There [is] grievous story when I is finish will from my Elementary school, precisely when performed by careful smart race in countryside storey;level. We is class of VI may not follow, continue we leave race wacthing to give support at our school. [Go/Come] home him to our school is [oppositely;also] made angry [is] same [of] class sponsor and punished to be to be put to the sun [by] [in] field. Continue, and ordered to crawl to to encircle school, grievous really hearting and of this situation. Day after we do not leave school because ill body all. Finally Mr. Headmasters come to my house and ask explanation what is going on in fact.

I continue to SLTP Country of Purwanegara I. Here I have alter ego until we is epithet 4 conjugate, because our we go always four. Achievement which we have reach for is Champion of III careful smart smart race [of] Sub-Province storey;level. After satisfying to bail science, I continue study to SMA Country of I Banjarnegara. Nope a lot I can narrate teen-ages me this. Hereinafter I venture on to other town but still neighbour that is town of Satria. In this Flaky town is I try to look for spirit me. I wish to prove at my family that although still small is I can make a living to the expense of life me. I work in one of the restaurant during 4 months as cooker. Yach..Nggak know why me become cooky, though nope there is talent to cook, but thank to God, result of my cookery is delicious he/she said. I call it day in restaurant, of my him apply for in one of the star hotel 3 in town of Purwokerto and of Alhamdulillah my was accepted, hence opening my job become officer of hotel. A lot of experiences and like natural sorrowful is including story journey of very tiring and long me love. Hereinafter safe to visit blog my and greeting recognize always….

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hallo my brother,
I am from Banjarnegara as well
I was interested with your article about the history of Banjarnegara
I hope we can help promoting our lovely city
BTW I have ever been in purwokerto for 3 years.
Keep on writing bro