Thursday, July 10, 2008


Tint light accompany departure of is the dancing,

scrambling Wing bat of Kepakan look for ,

Duck rice field duck is “beriringan” go home to cage Forerunner of dusk have “merambah”,

blanketing the earth deity.

Hardly seen or heard from a surau in times;

rill periphery Heave slowly of voice of adzan fill the air To try to split sky,

awaking mankind To face the Khaliq.

Looking into the mirror and misreading and sin which have heaped.

From resident houses which according to him Islam Dweller

absorbed in looking on sinetron, news, and football.

While countryside corner, voice rock music jerking,

eating oscillation of adzan Till vanish without secondhand.

Among voice of adzan, television and music

I walk “terseok” look for soybean cake,

Debrises believe “mengais” which remain,

Awaking existence my self and liver and supremacy of Allah

Allahu Akbar, this echo will not vanish by music, and or television


Purwokerto, 9 Juli 2008


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