Friday, July 11, 2008

History of Banjarnegara

In Action Diponegoro, R.Tumenggung Dipoyudo IV deserve well of government of mataram, so that in proposing by Sri Susuhunan Pakubuwono VII to specifying to become regent of banjar pursuant to Resolutie Governeor General Buitenzorg of 22 agustus 1831 number of I, to fill Regent position of Banjar which have been vanished the by him of which dimiciling in Banjarmangu and recognized with Banjarwatulembu. The Suggestion agreed.
Problem bubble up River of Serayu to become constraint complicating communications with Kasunanan Surakarta. This Difficulty become very feel to become burden for regent when he have to attend Glorious Grand at selected moment in Kasultanan Surakarta. To overcome this problem is set mind on to remove capital of regency to River south of Serayu. Area of Banjar (now town of Banjarnegara) becoming choice to be specified as new capital of. this new area condition is wide of rice field with a few scarps. In rice field area (Banjar) this is founded by capital of regency (New Country) so that the name of this area become Banjarnegara ( Banjar : Rice field, State : Town).

R.Tumenggung Dipoyuda take hold of Regent until year 1846, is later then changed R. Adipati Dipodiningkrat, year 1878 pension. Substitution of taken from outside Sub-Province of Banjarnegara. Gubermen (pemerintahan) lift Mas Ngabehi Atmodipuro, Sub-Province patih of Purworejo (Bangelan) I Gung Kalopaking in panjer (Kebumen) in the place of him and titled of Kanjeng Raden Tumenggung Jayanegara I. He get rank deserts " Duke" and mark of homage " Star of Mas" Year 1896 he pass away the changing of him of Raden Mas Jayamisena, Wedana Canton of Singomerto (Banjarnegara) and titled of Kanjeng Raden Tumenggung Jayanegara II. Of governance of Dutch of Raden Tumenggung Jayanegara II get rank godsend " Adipati Aria" big Umbrella Gold Star gold, Officer Orange. In the year 1927 he desist, pension. Substitution of his soon of Raden Sumitro Kolopaking Purbonegoro, what also get godsend the naming of Tumenggung Aria, he clan of kanjeng R. Adipati of Dipadiningrat, meaning sub-province return to clan all former powers. Among all Regents of Banjarnegara, Arya Sumitro Kolopaking involving 3 era, that is Indies Dutch era, Japan and of RI, and involve and also handle directly [of] Billow Revolutionize National ( 1945 - 1949). He experience ofs mention " The of Kanjeng Regent", last " Banjarnegara Ken Cho" and end " Mr. Regent". Hereinafter becoming Regent after Raden Aria of Sumitro Kolopaking Purbonegoro is :
1. R. Sumitro, 1949 - 1959.
2. R. Mas Soedjirno, 1960 - 1967.
3. R. Soedibjo, 1967 - 1973.
4. Drs. Soewardji, 1973 - 1980.
5. Drs. H. Winarno Surya Adisubrata, 1980 - 1986.
6. H. Endro Soewarjo, 1986 - 1991.
7. Drs. H.Nurachmad, 1991 - 1996.
8. Drs. H.Nurachmad, 1996 - 2001.
9. Drs. Ir. Djasri, MM, MT and Wabup : Drs. Hadi Supeno, Msi, 2001-2006
10. Drs. Ir. Djasri, MM, MT and Wabup : Drs. Soehardjo. MM, 2006-20011

1 comment:

Rahmat Petuguran said...

Kang Adi, jane bloge rika apik ning nyong ora ngerti bahasane. Lha wong bahasane bahasa Inggris. o, iya nek agi kober jajal rika gantian mertamu neng bloge inyong http:/
Matur sewun